The Adaptigent Blog
Unlocking the Future: Exploring Digital Innovations and Insights
Stay updated on the latest advancements within mission-critical industries and the seamless integration of legacy systems.
Happy Birthday, CICS!
In 1969, I remember getting my first pair of glasses as a third grader. I also vividly remember thinking that I could not...
How the Connected Mainframe for Digital Transformation Can Help Your Business
After several years of relentless hardware and software innovation, the mainframe is at an inflection point from being a...
Bad Tech Predictions: From Flying Cars to the Death of Mainframes
In 1940, Henry Ford famously said, "Mark my word: a combination airplane and motorcar is coming. You may smile, but it will...
APIs versus Microservices
When talking about new application development, both APIs and Microservices are often mentioned. But what exactly are the...
SunTrust, BB&T, and Innovation
The recently announced merger between BB&T and SunTrust is all about achieving scale in order to compete, something...
APIs and Hybrid Cloud Integration
The one constant in information technology is change. With labor shortages and the volume of APIs growing exponentially, enterprises moving to the hybrid cloud and the system integrators that are helping them need to change again and avail themselves of the best API development and management technologies available. Let’s take a look at the history of how integration has changed and how we are moving into a second API Generation: API2.0.
Mashed Potatoes or Mashups
Thanksgiving is here, development teams are winding down and freezing their code, and thoughts are moving towards the...
Maximize Your RPA Investment
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) emerged from a need to perform repetitive business functions that many times required...
Learning the Lessons from Past Mainframe Integration Projects
The API model has definitely become a major consideration for a growing number of companies across the world. As discussed...
What to Consider Before API-Enabling the Mainframe
The idea of integrating the mainframe more widely is not new; it has gone through numerous iterations including messaging...
The Role of API Middleware
In essence, the API Middleware layer plays a similar role as middleware plays in other IT solutions. It sits between the...
The Importance of Implementing an API Architecture
API architecture is really a natural evolution of early service oriented architectures that came to prominence in the last...